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Case Studies

We provide Case Studies to help prospective customers gain insight into the variety of services we can offer, and to ignite ideas around the possibilities of leveraging technology to grow, automate processes, and reduce costs for your business. By leveraging the right technology effectively you can simplify your own processes, automate redundant steps, provide customers more visibility to your offerings, the possibilities are endless. This is not a complete list of all of the projects we have implemented, but it may help provide some insights into what is possible. We highly recommend leveraging our free initial consultation to see if we can help or at least maybe give you some additional ideas for your business or service.

Randomize and Automatically Update Content on Pages

Website Design

Customers would like to provide random content on pages for things like testimonials, reviews, case studies, recent projects, etc.

Provide detailed customer product usage of SaaS product

Business Software

The company needed more visibility into how customers really used their SaaS product, what features were commonly used, infrequently used, etc.

Member (or Customer) only web page and information access

Website Design

Create an access mechanism for members only; this could just as easily be for customers.

Non-Technical Staff frequently upload documents to the website

Website Design

The organization needed the ability to have non-technical staff periodically upload documents: meeting minutes, financial summaries, Rules and Regulations, etc.

Send Text Alerts to Coop Members


A local Water Co-op needed the ability to send text alerts to members if there were problems, upcoming service outages, or special meetings the members needed to be aware of.

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