Case Study
Non-Technical Staff frequently upload documents to the website

The Need
The organization needed the ability to have non-technical staff periodically upload documents: meeting minutes, financial summaries, Rules and Regulations, etc. to the website for member only access. The staff is not comfortable navigating WYSIWYG website building frameworks.

The Variables
The organizations staff periodically needs to perform similar operations and keep documents organized so they are easy for members to access via the website. The documents should not be accessible to non-members, and easily viewed or downloaded by members. A Member only access mechanism was created for the website, a separate case study.

The Solution
Created a set of folders in Dropbox that represent the logical organization of information to be published to members. Have the non-technical staff add or replace documents in these folders as needed. Everything placed in these folders is immediately accessible to members on the website. Using a member login mechanism; once members are logged in they are redirected to a page with folders for all member accessible information. Each folder is clearly titled, clicking on the folder opens it and lists all documents that can be viewed online or downloaded. Members cannot edit, rename, or delete any of the folder contents.